Lab News
The group had several presentations at the 34th annual Rio Grande Symposium on Advanced Materials:

Yang gave an oral presentation on "Effects of External Magnetic Field on Mechanical properties and irradiation resistance of F/M Sttels"

Xavier gave an oral presentiation on "Development and Construction of Liquid Lead-Lithium Loop at UNM"

Jared gave an oral presentation on "The Effect of Microstructure on Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of 14YWT NFA" and earned 1st place for Student Oral Presentations. Congrats Jared!

Mike presented his poster "Experimental Investigation of Fission Product Evaporation in Liquid Lead"

Louis presented his poster "UNM's Hot Cell Facility for Remote Mechanical Testing: Cryogenic and High-Temperature Capabilities"

Daniel joined the XMAT group. Daniel will be working on corrosion in stagnant PbLi for fusion blanket applications.
Jared presented his research the the NNSA NA-22 University Program Review.
Osman and Jared presented at TMS 2023 in Orlando Florida
Congratulations to Jared for succesfully defending his Master's Thesis: "Physical Properties of Copper Niobium Nanolamellar Composites Fabricated by Accumulative Roll Bonding".
Congratulations to Mehadi for his successful Ph.D. defense. His thesis focused on the characterization of materials properties in Additively Manufactured AISI-420 martensitic steel deposited by Laser engineered net shaping.
From left to right: Dr. Shen, Dr. Osman, Mehadi, Dr. Tariq, Dr. Pankaj

July 14, 2022:
Congratulations to Brandon for his successful MS defense. His thesis was focused on the Joining of Candidate Materials for Lead-Cooke Fast Reactors.
Congratulation Aidana Bauyrzhan and Daria Bolgova for their MS degree from the Department of Nuclear Engineering at UNM.
May 23, 2022:
Congratulations to Brandon for getting a summer Intern in MST-8 group at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Congratulations to Jared for getting a summer Intern and fellowship at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
Congratulation to Khaled Talaat for publishing a journal paper in Nuclear Science and Engineering Journal.
"Lagrangian Investigation of Convective Mass Transfer of Dissolved Elements at Specimen Boundaries in a Flowing Molten Lead Loop" Please feel free to […]
March 23, 2022:
Congratulations to Khaled Talaat for his successful Ph.D. defense passed with Distinction. His thesis was focused on the "Computational methods, investigations, and codes to support corrosion experiments in molten lead and transfer to reactor conditions"

March 01, 2022:
Mehadi gave a talk on 'The Effect of Preheating Substrate on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Laser Deposited Martensitic Steel' Symposium on Additive Manufacturing: Additive Manufacturing of Large-scale Metallic Components, TMS 2022 Annual Meeting.
Brandon gave a talk on 'Joining of FeCrAl Based Alloys for Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Applications' Symposium on Corrosion: Environmental Degradation of Multiple Principal Component Materials, TMS 2022 Annual Meeting.
Feb 01, 2022:
Congratulations to Mehadi for the GRA position (year-round Intern) in MST-8 group at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Congratulations to Cemal for the full-time position as Nuclear Engineer at Curio LV.
December 03, 2021:
Jake Noltensmeyer presented his work at ANS 2021 Winter Meeting and Technology Expo conference. "Examination of Lead-Bismuth Corrosion of SS309 at High Velocities at 500C"
December 02, 2021:
Brandon presented his work at ANS 2021 Winter Meeting and Technology Expo conference. "Joining of FeCrAl Based Alloys for Lead Cooled Fast Reactor Applications"
November 10, 2021:
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE 2021) ( Nov 1- 4, 2021)
- Mehadi was awarded the runner-up of Outstanding Paper titled "Investigation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Additive Manufactured AISI - 420 Martensitic Steel Developed by Directed Energy Deposition Method" Please feel free to […]
- He was also awarded on winning 3rd place in the Leader Board challenge in the IMECE 2021 virtual conference.
Oct 29, 2021:
Congratulation to Khaled for publishing a journal paper in the Nuclear Engineering and Design
"Design of specimen holders for flow accelerated corrosion experiments in molten lead with numerical evaluation of pressure losses" Please feel free to […]
Oct 28, 2021:
Congratulation to Khaled for publishing a paper in the Corrosion in Heavy Liquid Metals for Energy Systems.
"Leveraging Neutronics to Monitor Mass Transfer Corrosion in Lead and Lead-Bismuth Cooled Reactors" Please feel free to […]
September 28, 2021:
Congratulation to Dr. Madhavan for publishing a paper in the Journal of Nuclear Materials
"Layer dissolution in accumulative roll bonded bulk Zr/Nb multilayers under heavy-ion irradiation" Please feel free to […]
August 27, 2021:
Dr. Madhavan’s going away breakfast party.
August 1, 2021:
Daria Bolgova, Aidana Bauyrzhan, XiaTong Yang, Graduate students joined our group. Welcome, Daria, Aidana and Yang !
July 19, 2021:
Congratulation to Dr. Madhavan for publishing a paper in the Additive Manufacturing Journal
"Microstructures and Properties of Ti/TiC Composites Fabricated by Laser-Directed Energy Deposition" This is an open-access journal article. Please feel free to […]
June 1, 2021:
Jake Noltensmeyer, Graduate student joined our group. Welcome, Jake!
May 20, 2021:
Congratulation to Cemal and Shuprio! They won a very prestigious Year-round Internship at Los Alamos National Laboratory! Congratulations!
April 20, 2021:
Congratulation to Dr. Madhavan for publishing a paper in the Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
"Joining of Nanostructured Ferritic 14YWT Alloys by Spark Plasma Technique" This is an open-access journal article. Please feel free to […]
March 29, 2021:
XMAT Research Featured on Major News Outlets News "COVID-19 research: sneeze guards may make flights safer"
March 16, 2021:
Congratulation to Khaled for publishing a paper in AIP Physics of Fluids
"Simulation of aerosol transmission on a Boeing 737 airplane with intervention measures for COVID-19 mitigation" This is an open-access journal article. Please feel free to […]
February 22, 2021:
UNM nuclear engineers part of $25 million Department of Energy consortium
UNM’s share of the project is $1.25 million. The team will focus on materials synthesis and additive manufacturing, and modeling radiation transport in strongly stochastic environments to conduct research in the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) mission-critical areas...
CNN News "Simulation suggests open windows and glass barriers might help reduce Covid-19 spread in classrooms."
Business Insider "A simulation of coronavirus spread in a classroom found kids in the back corners were safest. Here's why."
ZME Science "To keep COVID-19 at bay in classrooms, open windows and use glass screens in front of desks."
Reuters "COVID-19 complication rates far higher than for flu; open windows, partitions advised for classrooms."
Folha De S. Paulo "Research proves efficiency of glass or acrylic screens against Covid in classrooms."
Yahoo! News "How coronavirus spreads in classrooms (and where to sit to avoid infection)."
Congratulation to Khaled for publishing a paper in AIP Physics of Fluids (October 20, 2021)
"Numerical investigation of aerosol transport in a classroom with relevance to COVID-19" This is an open-access journal article. Please feel free to […]
Congratulation to Khaled for publishing a paper in AIP Journal of Applied Physics (October 05, 2021)
"Method of information entropy for convergence assessment of molecular dynamics simulations" This is an open-access journal article. Please feel free to […]
Khaled passed his Ph.D. comprehensive exam. (September 05, 2021)
Congratulations Khaled!
Brandon Bohanon, newest member of our group. Brandon will be involved in Pb loop activities as well as irradiation damage studies on advanced alloys. (August 26, 2020)
Junior Faculty Research Excellence (May 13, 2020)
Professor Osman Anderoglu was awarded Junior Faculty Research Excellence, Nuclear Engineering, UNM.
Congratulations to our undergraduate student Gemma Irais Strong (Spring 2020)
Congratulations! We are so proud of you.
- Shuprio Ghosh participated in loboBITES competition at the UNM part of the 2019 shared knowledge conference.

2019-2020 ANS Undergraduate Scholarship (Sept 8, 2019)
- Gemma Irais senior in the Department of Nuclear Engineering has received the 2019-2020 American Nuclear Society Undergraduate Scholarship...
ANS Student Conference-2019, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA (April, 4-6,2019)
- Gemma Irais was presented on the "Joining for Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloy using Spark Plasma Sintering" at ANS-2019 meet.
TMS 2019 (The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society) Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Antonio, Taxas (March 10-14, 2019)...
- Prof Osman Anderoglu presented an overview on the irradiation behavior of multilayered metallic systems at the TMS-2019 Annual meet.
- Zhexian, PhD presented a poster at TMS-2019 meeting and talk about irradiation resistance of ARB processed CuNb nanolayered composities at very high doses and temperatures.
- Madhavan, PhD presented a technical poster presentation on the 'High-dose heavy-ion irradiation behavior on mechanically processed Zr/Nb multilayers' at the TMS-2019 annual meet.
- Mehadi presented a poster presentation on the 'Development of advanced ferritic martensitic steels for very high irradiation doses and temperatures' at the TMS-2019 annual meeting.
2019 Spring Seminar Series (Jan 22, 2019): Dr. Zhexian Zhang , UNM
Irradiation damage in nuclear materials: the microstructure evolution, hardening, and characterization methods
2018 Fall Seminar Series (December 4, 2018): Dr. Osman Anderoglu, UNM
Establishing a Strong Nuclear Materials Foot Print at UNM
New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation 2018 (October, 12th)
- Gemma was awarded 3rd place for the poster presentation,"Joining of Oxide Dispersion Strengthened Alloys using Spark Plasma Sintering"
ANS Student Conference-2018 (April, 7th)
- Carly Romnes was awarded for the Best Paper Submission in Materials Science and Technology,"Investigation of Irradiation Resistance of Haynes 230 for Advanced Nuclear Reactors"
- Another award for her senior design project, Best Paper Submission in Aerospace Nuclear Science and Technology, "Development of a Low Enriched Uranium Nuclear Thermal Rocket Inspired by the Space Nuclear Thermal Propulsion Project"
- Deep Patel was awarded for the Top Paper Submission," Effect of processing techniques on electrical and thermal properties of 14YWT"
Experiment at SNL (April, 2nd)
- James finished his experiments at the I3 TEM Facility at SNL.
UNM's 3rd Annual STEM Research Symposium (Feb, 17th)
- Mehadi presented a poster at UNM's 3rd Annual STEM Research Symposium.
- Deep presented a poster at UNM's 3rd Annual STEM Research Symposium.
- James Pike presented a poster at UNM's 2nd Annual STEM Research Symposium.
- Carly Romnes presented a poster at UNM's Spring 2017 Shared Knowledge Conference.
- UNM's student chapter of ANS recently received a certificate for 50 years of being a student chapter at UNM.
- Carly Romnes was recently selected for the Outstanding Junior Award by the faculty of the Nuclear Engineering Department.
Construction license issued for Russia's BREST reactor
‘Safer’ thorium reactor trials could salvage nuclear power
American Nuclear Society News
World Nuclear News
The Generation IV International Forum- "Webinars"
Advanced Fuels Campaign (AFC):
About 80-85 researchers from national laboratories including a few folks from DOE HQ, industry (Areva, GE, Westinghouse) and universities gathered together at UNM for Advanced Fuels Campaign Annual Integration meeting on December 14-16, 2017. The group meets once a year and discusses updates and reports on various projects funded by the campaign. Dean of SOE, Christos Christodoulou, welcomed the group. Some attendees were given NE lab tours by Drs Anderoglu and Lee. Some of our students also attended to selected talks. For more about AFC...